On the Street

What's the most interesting food you've tried?

Justin Harper

That would be Korean.

Any particular Korean dish?

I can't remember... it's a weird name. The noodles, it was like a foamy noodle — in a way.

Mary Medinas

Probably alligator in Louisiana.

How did you come to try that?

I was working for the Department of Defense and they sent me there because all the military was working down there — preparing to go to Afghanistan. And so I just happened upon the restaurant and everybody told me to try alligator, so I did.

Nicole Porras

Cow tongue. I was with my dad and we went to the taqueria — and he said it was good so I tried it. And it was good, but when you think about it, think about what you're eating... makes me puke.

Suzanne Eakes

I don't know, the thing that comes to mind is maybe calf fries.

What are calf fries?

They're from a bull calf that's been castrated. And so what they cut off — you batter and fry and eat. It's very good.

Eli Dyer

Octopus pancakes. They're like little pancake balls — they were, like, pretty weird.

What is an octopus pancake?

It's like octopus with like potato or bread and made into like a little donut hole.

Interviews by Eric Schucht 
4/20/2018, Manito Park

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